A bold & beautiful bouquet for lovers of colour. Our Claremont Bouquet embraces colour with its Coral 'Miss Piggy' Roses, zesty Viburnum, hot pink roses, frilly Clematis, peach Hypericum Berries and Dusky Pink Dianthus all spiralled together into this colour explosion of gorgeousness.
You can also request for your bouquet to be presented in a gift box (from our 'Perfect Partners' below) with the stems kept hydrated inside a water bubble.
Immerse yourself in the luxury of a bespoke bouquet, freshly hand-picked and exquisitely designed before being wrapped in elegant kraft paper and tissue. Every detail matters, right down to the handwritten gift card. And with our dedicated delivery team from our Banstead store, we’ll make sure it arrives perfectly on the day to nearby Surrey towns and villages including Kingswood, Tadworth, Epsom, Ashtead and many more. Prices begin from £63