Our Florist Curated Festive Bouquet is a bespoke creation, expertly chosen and designed by our florists using the freshest blooms arriving in store that day. Each bouquet is thoughtfully spiraled into a beautiful hand-tie arrangement, showcasing complementary seasonal flowers and foliage selected just for you.
Got a colour palette in mind? Then leave us a note in the gift message box or the notes section at check out —whether it’s ‘berries and blush’, ‘winter whites’, or ‘festive jewels’. You set the tone, and we’ll bring it to life.
Feeling bold? Skip the input and let us create something extraordinary. No need to fret - we've got you covered.
For added presentation, choose to have your bouquet arrive in a presentation box with stems kept hydrated in a water bubble, or our beautiful Meja Clear Ribbed Vase (available through our 'Perfect Partners')
Immerse yourself in the luxury of a bespoke bouquet, freshly hand-picked and exquisitely designed before being wrapped in elegant kraft paper and tissue. Every detail matters, right down to the handwritten gift card. And with our dedicated delivery team from our Banstead store, we’ll make sure it arrives perfectly on the day to nearby Surrey towns and villages including Kingswood, Esher, Oxshott, Cobham and many more. Prices begin from £58